
2023 State of Banking Apps


2023 State of Banking Apps

The 2023 State of Banking Apps is an in-depth analysis of banking apps customer ratings

Digitalization has completely revolutionized the banking sector. Banking apps are now more personalized and customer-friendly than ever before, with a wide range of features that make banking easier than ever. And because of it, customers can now enjoy a hassle-free banking experience, without having to visit the bank branch.

Although mobile banking apps are a great way for customers to quickly interact with and manage their finances, there are still some issues that need to be addressed. For example, some technical issues and the usability of the apps itself needs to be developed along with other app-related factors.

With that in mind, we wanted to know what else is there to discover. Using Lumoa – a feedback analytics platform, we conducted a research regarding the state of mobile banking apps and collected over 30,000 customer reviews from users within Android and iOS platforms.


This report will cover:


  • A glimpse of the state of customer experience in banking
  • Why are banking apps important in 2023
  • Why do users have a better experience with Android banking apps than on iOS
  • Why hybrid banks (digital & brick and mortar) are still better than digital banks
  • What factors separate leading banking apps from bottom-performing apps.