Surveying Archives – Lumoa

How to Analyze Survey Results: A Guide to Mastering Customer Feedback Analysis

Analyzing survey results is more than just crunching numbers – it’s also about unlocking stories, understanding needs, and adapting to changes. These in turn, can shape Customer Experiences. Welcome to a guide that’s all about making sense of those stories hidden within your survey data. Whether you’re a seasoned CX professional or just dipping your […]

BlogCustomer ExperienceCustomer Feedbackcustomer insightsSurveying
9 Aug 2023
Survey Design Best Practices And Guidelines

Carlos Del Corral shares tips and best practices on how to create surveys that will not only increase your response-rates but also give you more insightful responses.

BlogCustomer Experience MetricsSurveying
3 Jan 2023
What is tNPS? Understanding Transactional NPS

Consumers today are more vocal than ever, and they’re not afraid to voice their opinions. Moreover, to successfully navigate today’s highly competitive landscape, businesses must understand exactly what customers think of them – and that means diving deep into customer experience data.  One tool businesses can use to capture valuable insights is the transactional Net […]

BlogCustomer Experience MetricsNet Promoter ScoreSurveying
2 Jan 2023
Collect feedback that drives powerful results – Interview with Christian Lelo de Larrea Gaudiano

Here’s an ideal scenario, an online user interacts with a live chat and inquires about something. Then you or a chatbot answers that inquiry. Finally, you ask in return if the user was satisfied with the service you provided, and the user happily takes the time to chat more and explain their feedback. Here’s the […]

Customer ExperienceCustomer FeedbackSurveying
2 Sep 2022
Average Survey Response Rate You Should Aim For

Setting the right survey response benchmarks can define the success of your customer experience management efforts. Learn which benchmarks you need to set.

Customer FeedbackSurveying
24 Mar 2022
How To Calculate Survey Sample Size: A Simple Guide

Calculating the sample size for your survey can sometimes be a bit tricky. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of calculating sample sizes, and we’ll share some general rules on how to deal with survey projects where you struggle to get statistically significant results.

BlogCustomer Experience MetricsSurveying
3 Mar 2021
What is Qualitative Data and Why You Should Collect it

While numbers and ratings from research are easy to analyze, businesses require insightful qualitative data to have a complete picture of their customers.

Customer Feedbackcustomer insightsSurveying
23 Jun 2021
Rating Scale: Survey Questions and Examples

Rating scales are a quick and straightforward way to engage customers with surveys. In this article, we will dig deeper into different types of rating scales.

26 Jan 2021
Multiple Choice Survey Questions: Advantages and Disadvantages

Multiple choice questions are common to use in surveys. But how should they actually be used in surveys to ensure good response rates and maximize insight generation? In this article, we’ll share best practices on how to use multiple choice questions in surveys.

Customer FeedbackSurveying
10 Dec 2020
5 Customer Journey Touchpoints to Measure

In this article, we explain how and at what point in the customer journey you should measure the customer experience.

Customer ExperienceSurveying
7 Jan 2021
B2B Customer Surveys 101

Conducting B2B customer surveys is for many a struggle. There are two major problems that B2B surveys often experience; not able to collect enough responses and hard to act on the feedback. Learn how to overcome these typical B2B survey problems.

23 Apr 2020
The Difference Between Transactional Surveys and Relationship Surveys

There are two types of surveys: relationship surveys and transactional surveys. Relationship surveys measure the overall health of your relationship with your customers. Transactional surveys are used when measuring something about a specific interaction with a customer.

20 Feb 2020
100+ Customer Experience Stats to Know in 2023

Customer Experience Customer experience (CX) plays a crucial role in business success, with 99% of CX leaders acknowledging its positive impact. However, only 3% of companies are truly customer-obsessed. Businesses that prioritize CX are more likely to be relevant, profitable, and successful. Unhappy customers can have significant consequences, as they are more likely to switch […]

Customer ExperienceCustomer Experience MetricsCustomer serviceCustomer SupportSurveying
11 Jun 2023
How to Create Better Customer Surveys

Find out what it takes to create effective customer surveys and start sending customer surveys right away!

4 Apr 2019
15 Tips On How To Send NPS Email Surveys You Can Implement Right Away

Do you send Net Promoter Score surveys by email? Check out the best tips on NPS email surveying and improve your overall NPS ratings.

13 Mar 2019
7 Questions About Net Promoter Score Surveys – Bill Macaitis

Net Promoter Score in the eyes of a marketer. We had a discussion with Bill Macaitis, a man behind Slack, Zendesk and Salesforce marketing about what NPS surveys can bring to your company.

Experts in the SpotlightSurveying
17 Dec 2018
7 Ways to Increase Response Rate of NPS Surveys

Do you measure Net Promoter Score but the response rates are too low? Use these 7 techniques to increase your response rates to customer surveys and understand what customers are saying about you.

Net Promoter ScoreSurveying
21 Sep 2017